Covid-19 Statement
How do I make a booking now?
- First read the section on custom tattoos and our booking section this will help you pull together your ideas so the artists can work form them.
- Once you have read these sections you can fill-in the consultation form at the bottom of the custom tattoos and request a consultation time on our booking system. We'll get back to you with times and dates for your consultation based on the information you have given us we will offer the best suited type of consultation: On-line/Phone. You can also contact the studio by phone on 0333 772 20 28 or e-mail studio@goodtattoos.com.
- Please note that most consultations will now be done on-line due the ongoing pandemic
- There will be no drop in service. No booking no entrance to the studio!
What do I need to know before coming for my tattoo now?
- DO NOT come to the studio if you are feeling ill, running a high temperature, have a persistent cough, a loss of sense of smell or taste or you have had contact with anyone that has had Covid-19 in the last two weeks. Contact the studio and we can rearrange your booking.
- Do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours before you come you into the studio for your tattoo.
- Make sure you bring your own water or sugary drink to reduce the risk we will not be able to offer any.
- Make sure you have eaten, you will not be able to eat in the studio.
- Come alone to your booking. Do not bring anyone with you they will not be allowed to enter the studio.
What do I need to know when I come for my tattoo?
- You will be texted a link to your consent form the day before your booking please fill this in and follow the instructions it contains.
- You will need to wear a mask while getting Tattooed. Although the mask mandate is no longer Law we still require that you ware a mask while getting tattooed. Due to Tattooing being a close contact service: it greatly increases the risk of catching COVID. We are self employed and cannot afford the risk of being lay off from work due to catching COVID so we insist that masks are still wore during the tattooing processes. (We do realise that some people cannot wear masks for medical reasons and we ask that you wait for such a time as COVID is not such a risk. We understand this is inconvenient but it is for your and the artists safety.)
- Be sure to wear clothing suitable for the area getting tattoo.
- You we be instructed to sanitise your hands when you enter the studio.
- Your temperature will be taken when you enter the studio by our IR hands free reader.
- Please follow the instructions given by the warning signs and the artist, we know this is more than normal but we can only get back to work with these new stricter rules and we cannot do this without your cooperation.